These days people have air purifiers and air Ionizers just about everywhere, which makes this the perfect device for your home, office, or even hotel room during your travels. This particular Ionizer does not actually function, but you can be sure the DVR system inside it will. The ionizer's usual power light has been used as the indicator light for the camera system. The unit features 16 GB of internal memory and also records full color video and, like every other BushBaby product, is equipped with motion detection. Features - Records 640 x 480 color video
- Looks just like an Ionizer
- Uses the Ionizers standard power light as an indicator
Technical Specs - Resolution:640 x 480 @ up to 30fps
- Viewing angle: 72 degrees
- Storage:16GB Internal memory
- Power supply: 120v
- Dimensions: 9 x 2.5 x 1.75"
Includes - 1 BBIonizer
- 1 Remote Control
- 1 USB Cable
Please note that the ionizer does not actually work, it is only a function dvr system